The Opening Ceremony of the XXIII Pan Am Mixed Team Championships 2019 was held yesterday, with presence of participating teams and authorities of Badminton in our region. Players enjoy a special moment with a peruvian dance called “Marinera” and with Milco, avatar of Pan Am Games Lima 2019.
Mr. Vishu Tolan, president of Badminton Pan Am Confederation(BPAC), Mr. David Simon, BPAC Board Member and Mrs. Pilar Carrillo, BPAC COO, were at the ceremony, along with Mr. Gonzalo Castillo, presidente of Badminton Peru Federation, and Mr. Martin Del Valle, representative of Lima 2019 Organizing Committee.
“Thank to Peru, because always have the iniciative to host Pan Am championships for all of us.” said Mr. Tolan, who also highlight the very first participation of Colombia at a Pan Am Championships, and the representations of the 4 regions of our continent this year: North America, Central America, Caribbean and South America.
Furthermore, BPAC president made a special recognition to Coach Don Chew from USA, for his long career as a badminton coach.
This Pan Am Championship is the first event that will have an special trophy: the Pan American Cup, award points for the qualification to Pan Am Games Lima 2019.