The last Pan Am Circuit 2023 was held in French Guiana and Pan Am players from French Guiana, Paraguay, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago and United States took the podiums.
Check here full results.
The I French Guiana International 2023 was held in Matoury fro December 13 to 17.
Olympian Howard Shu won the Men’s Singles gold medal after defeating Camilo Borst (GER) in the final. The bronze medals were for Bons Vincent (GUF) and Soren Opti (SUR).
Soren Opti also won a gold medal in Men’s Doubles along with Mitchel Wongsodikromo (SUR) after defeating locals Dimitri Antohy/Bons Vincent in the final. Peter Dirifo (GUF)/Damian Nijbroek (SUR) and Kervei Chen/Jordan Lee (PAR) got the bronze medals of the event.

Chequeda De Boulet (TTO) reached the silver medal in Women’s singles after losing the final against Kate Ludik (MRI). Taise Marais (GUF) and Elize Nijean (GUF) reached the 3/4 places.
Mixed Doubles Podium was full of French Guiana athletes. Peter Dirifo and Elize Nijean won the gold while Florian Cormenier/Taise Marais reached the silver medal and Timeo Dejou/Elize Colpin got the third place of the event.
This event closed the Pan Am Circuit 2023, congratulatios to all participants.