One month after her sensitive passing, the Pan American badminton family wants to recognize Rinia’s dedication and commitment to our sport that made her known and admired throughout the Pan American region.

Rest in Peace Rinia.

Text by Surinamese Badminton Bond / Nardi Soerodimedjo

On Monday, September 4, 2023, the news arrived unexpectedly that Rinia Haijnes had passed away. Four days before her 65th birthday on September 8, which she had been eagerly looking forward to with her twin sister Irene. Rinia Haijnes was the first female chairman of the Surinamese Badminton Association (SBB). A sports association founded on November 16, 1958.

Rinia was also the longest serving chairman of the Surinamese Badminton Association. From 1999 to 2012 she was allowed to wield the gavel of this sports association and she did so with great enthusiasm, passion and conviction. But even before she took up this chair position, she had already held various board positions within the S.B.B. but also beyond.

When she handed over the S.B.B. chairman’s position to Aubrey Nai Chung Tong, she remained on the board for another term as a commissioner and advisor. This characterized Rinia Haijnes’ special involvement in badminton sport and her drive to organize it well. Rinia Haijnes, who worked at the Ministry of Sports Affairs, has always excelled as a very hard worker for her beloved sport.

In the current board of the Surinamese Badminton Association, Dino Kappel, son of Rinia Haijnes, has been worthily continuing the work of his mother Rinia Haijnes for years, a real badminton rider who has always been ahead in the fight for her beloved badminton sport.