Interview Jean Paul Ortiz Vargas – Colombia

Name: Jean Paul Ortiz Vargas
City/Country: Bogota, Colombia
Birth Date: 04/07/1983
Specialty: Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles
Category: SU5

1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?
“I have been playing Badminton for 3 years, I received an offer from my Federation to start playing, support implementing, masify and organise Para-Badminton, in other words, the pioneer”.

2. In how many tournaments did you participate and which have been your best results?
“I have already participated in some tournaments and my best result was to get the fifth place”.

3. To how many countries has Badminton taken you?
“Perú is my first country”.

4. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a Badminton player?
“Be able to participate in all the coming tournaments, be able to win a medal in the Pan-American Games and go to the Olympic Games”.

5. Do you perform other activities in parallel, such as studies or work?
“I work in Badminton, I am a coach and school teacher. I studied Systems Engineering”.

6. How sacrificed is it to train and work at the same time?
“It has been complicated when I was studying, because I had to train and assist to classes at the same time in the mornings, but now have no problem because I teach Badminton and train”.

7. How do you keep commitment and discipline in your life?
“In fact, in different ways, but the most important is being humble, passionate and respectful”.

8. In addition to sporting satisfactions, what other things does Badminton give you?
“A job, being a pioneer of a project that truly feels incredible, to be the image of this sport and  a role model for others, has a lot of responsibility and I am very proud to be able to do this”.

9. Which are your favorite hobbies?
“Be with my family, watch movies, especially comics”.

10. Who was your first coach?
“Dagoberto Corredor”.

11. Which club do you represent?
“I play for the selection of conventional Badminton in Bogotà”.

12. Is Para- Badminton popular in your country?
“Not much but growing faster”.

13. What message would you like to tell to those who follow this interview?
“In life you can overcome obstacles but you always have to use your mind more than 100 %, and do some sport because it will  help you a lot”.