Emelaine Meluk Valdes
Shuttle Time Teacher, Badminton Colombia
My childhood was as fun as that of a child raised by a dogmatic mother and attached to ancestral practices of punishments and prohibitions. However, I was fortunate to have six brothers who together turned punishment into laughter.
Early Experience of Badminton
I was lucky enough to learn about badminton while starting my undergraduate studies in physical education, recreation and sport. The director of INDER (Institute of Sport and Recreation) Riosucio, Chocó, Edwin Martínez Raga, who, together with his advisor, Hernán Agudelo, was kind enough to promote new sports. I fell in love with badminton through a sports management course and began to get involved in activities for making it popular.
First Impressions
I live in a community where sports are practiced with a ball – it was only soccer and micro soccer. I have nothing against them, but surely there are children who we can fall in love with other sports. My teachers and I kept this perspective.
Relationship With Badminton
I have attended courses with the aim of training and learning about this sport. Last year I had the opportunity to monitor a programme of the Ministry of Sports, where I taught badminton to children.
Memorable Events
Last year was rewarding. I had the experience of teaching children through play, knowing the realities that surround them. Then I lived what any coach/teacher wants for their children — we did an exchange trip to a neighbouring municipality, and the children were super happy. Most had never attended such an exchange programme. On this trip I met some teachers from the region. I was in Medellín training with the Shuttle Time programme and I met people who love and breathe badminton, among them were Oscar Vera and other people who, like me, had just started in this sport. I also travelled to Quibdó, Chocó for the Intercollegiate Games, and the experience was great.
What Badminton Means
Badminton definitely represents many things, but if I can sum it up in one word it would be power — not only in me, but for the children and the community. What makes it different are the teachers. They work through inclusion, and that becomes the hallmark of all of them.
Impact of Shuttle Time
Shuttle Time allowed me to leave a mark on my region by allowing me to train others. Sometimes the effects are direct and at other times it’s indirect. Shuttle Time gave me the opportunity to impact my community through sports and create spaces for recreation and bonds of friendship.
Lessons From Shuttle Time
Being in Shuttle Time improved my self-confidence and communication skills. I had always been a little withdrawn girl and I did not like to show myself, I kept a low profile. This programme helped me talk more confidently.