Interview – Osleni Guerrero (Cuba)

Name: Osleni Guerrero Velasco

City/Country: La Habana, Cuba.

Birth Date: 18/10/1989.

Specialty: Singles, doubles and mixed.

1.- At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started playing when I was 8 years old because there was a coach in my school who chose me to play Badminton.”

2.-In how many tournaments have you participated and what have been your best results?

“I have participated in at least 40 tournaments and my best results were to have won the gold medal in the Pan American Championships Toronto 2014, silver medal in the Panamerican Games in Guadalajara 2011 and to have played in the Olympic Games.”

3. To how many countries has badminton taken you?

“I have traveled to 30 countries at least.”

4. What did it mean for you to go to the Olympics?

 “It was a wonderful experience, being with the best of the world, you can be walking and  meet Lionel Messi or Rafael Nadal, share a table with LeBron James, or be in the elevator with Michael Phelps, it was incredible.”

5. What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?

“When I traveled to Suriname, my flight was at 6am. and when I arrived at the airport it turned out that I lost it … after complaining and complaining, I was already desperated because there was little left for the birth of my daughter. Finally, they assigned me a flight with a stop over in Aruba and I could arrived in time to the birth of my daughter. “

6. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a Badminton player?

“To improve in all I can, one year more of life is a year less of competition and a year less of life, so I work hard. If I go to a championship and stay in the semi-finals, I have to win it “.

7. Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete, such as studies or work?

 “I study Sports Education, I am in fourth year”.

8. How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“It’s difficult because I want to finish my studies but also progress in Badminton, apart I have a daughter who needs her dad and hero, and I want to support her in everything she needs”.

9. How do you keep your commitment and discipline in your life?

“Actually, everything … Badminton has helped me to be a better person, better father, better professional, better player and it is something that gives me a lot of happiness”.

10. What has Badminton given to you?

“Gave me opportunities like knowing the world, making good friends and meeting new cultures.”

11.- Which are your favorite hobbies?

“See action movies, go out and play with my daughter.”

12.- Who was you first coach?

“Luis Alberto Lara.”

13.- Which club do you represent?

“In Cuba there are no clubs, but it is the Federation that supports us.”

14.- Is Badminton popular in your country?

“Since 2010, Badminton started to grow because of the results we have achieved, and the Federation along with players, has created a friendly and attractive environment.”

15.- Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“I participated and won 2 times, one in 2000 and another in 2007, the experience was incredible, I gave everything of myself and it was worth it.”