Interview : Rachel Honderich – Canada

Name:                     Rachel Honderich

City / Country:      Toronto, Canada

Birth Date:             29/04/1996

Specialty:               Singles

 1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started playing badminton when I was 5 or 6 years old, my mom was playing in a multi-sports club and badminton was one of those sports, I played it and I liked it”.

  1. In how many tournaments have you participated and which have been your best results?

“In fact, many if we count the national and international, I have participated between 25 and 30 international tournaments and my result was to have won the bronze medal in the 2015 Pan Am Games and win the Czech Republic International Series with Michelle Li”.

  1. To how many countries has Badminton taken you?

”I think they are 20 countries, I have traveled to all continents except Africa,   which I would really like to visit one day”.

  1.   Which are your short and medium term objectives as a Badminton player?

“My goals are to qualify for the 2018 Commonwealth Games, qualify for the Olympics in Tokyo and be on the top 16 in the world”.

5Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete, such as studies or work?

“I just finished my second year of career, I study kinesiology at the University of Toronto and also I am coach, I teach badminton to children at the club where I train”.

6. How sacrificed is it to train and study or work at the same time?

“It is really very difficult, to train,  study,  do homework, go to classes and tournaments, move from one place to another and  have a little social life is complicated. There are times that I have to sacrifice family time or lose classes to be able to go to some tournament”.

7. How do you keep the commitment and discipline in your life?

“Being disciplined, I like to set goals that I can achieve in a short time and I do my best to reach them. I hate to lose and I always give my best to be able to win but I know I don’t win all the tournaments or games, so I learn from my mistakes and do better the next time”.

8. In addition to sporting satisfactions, what other things does badminton give you? 

“Gives me friends around the world, gives me joy and happiness, I understood how much I can do and I know that I can give more of myself and also gives me unforgettable experiences”.

9. Which are your favorite hobbies?

“I love to be with my friends and go out with them, to be in my bed and see the movies that I like and do the things that I like. Sometimes badminton gives me time to do what I want, no matter how long or short it is but I try to appreciate it and be happy”.

10. Who was your first coach?

“My first coach was Mike de Belle”.

11. Which club do you represent?

“Now I represent Lee’s Badminton”.

12. Is Badminton popular in your country?

“In Canada, Badminton is a low profile sport, now soccer, basketball, hockey and baseball are the most practiced sports, but badminton is growing and I like to be part of that expansion process”.

13. Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“I have participated in some opportunities, the first time was in Dominican Republic”.