Interview : Ruben Castellanos – Guatemala

Name:                     Rubén Castellanos.

City / Country:      City of Guatemala, Guatemala.

Birth Date:             10/01/1997

Specialty:              Singles and Doubles.

  1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“In the summer of 2008, my best friend told me to play badminton, I did not know what it was … One day, we went to the sports center and tried it but I did not like it because I could not hit well and lost completely interest … Then I went to play soccer and I was in that for some time when some day that there was no soccer, I went to play badminton because it was the only sport at the center, this time I hit well and started to interest again,  and from that moment I play badminton”.

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and which was your best result?

“I do not remember in how many tournaments I have participated but there were many. My best result was to have been the number one in Guatemala and number 15 in the world junior ranking”.

  1. To how many countries has badminton taken you?

“I lost count, I’m not sure how many”.

  1. What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?

“Actually I’ve had a lot of fun things and I don’t know what to tell you, just that I had a lot of fun”.

 5.   Which are your short and medium term objectives as a badminton player?

“When I knew that I was number 15 in the world in the junior category, I felt more confident to be better and grow more in the next category and reach my goals. One of them is going to the Olympic Games.”

 6.  Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete such as, study or work?

“I study business administration, I’m on my second year and is great.”

 7.   How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“It’s complicated because you run out of time, I train twice a day and I have to be very organized to be able to do homework and study, to get good grades and train in peace.”

8.    How do you keep commitment and discipline in your life?

“Badminton has given me many important things, the most important thing is that it gave me good health, to be orderly, respectful, honest and punctual, to have goals and reach them.”

  1. In addition to sporting satisfactions, what other things did badminton give you?

“Badminton has helped me a lot, it has helped me financially because I can study with a sports scholarship, besides it helps me with some material things that I need and as a person to be more confident and be able to reach my goals.”

 10.   Which are your favorite hobbies?

“I love to read, if I could I would do it every day. I also like to travel,  know my country and  going out with my friends”.

 11.  Who was the first coach?

“My first coach was Alaric James”.

12.  What club do you represent?

“I only play for the Federation, I do not represent any club, but I received an offer to play at a club in Denmark this year and I am still thinking about it.”

13.  Is badminton popular in your country?                                             

“It is not, but it is growing and fast”.

 14.   Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“I have participated a few times. I won my first medal in 2012, that was in singles and the following year in doubles.”