Name: Maria Delia Zambrano Solano.

City / Country: Guayaquil, Ecuador

Birth Date: 25/10/1997.

Specialty: Singles.

  1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started at 10 and it was because my brothers used to play and I liked to see them, so, one day, I tried it.”

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and which were your best results?

“I have participated in 30 tournaments, more or less and my best achievement was to win the silver medal in the South American championship in Brazil 2015.”

  1. To how many countries has badminton taken you?

“Badminton has taken me to almost all America, also some countries of Europe as Spain and Germany.”

  1. What anecdotes comes to your mind when you remember your trips?

“It has been several times that I’ve had to run at the airport and I’ve reached the boarding gate sweating and being the last one to enter.”

  1. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a badminton player?

“Keep training and improve my game, also go to the Pan American Games and get a medal.”

  1. Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete, such as study or work?

“At the moment I am preparing to study medicine and I have to give the exam in two months.”

  1. How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“It is very difficult to train and study at the same time, and I have to think how do I organize my time to go ahead.”

  1. How do you keep the commitment and discipline in your life?

“Being responsible and organizing my time.”

  1. Apart from sporting satisfactions, what other things did badminton give you?

“Lots of friends and to know different countries, I love to travel”.

  1. Which are your favorite hobbies?

“I like reading a lot, especially suspense like CSI or romantic.”

  1. Who was the first coach?

Jose Pereda.”

  1. What club do you represent?

“In Ecuador, there are some headquarters by departments that are sponsored by the Federation.”

  1. Is badminton popular in your country?

“Nothing at all, it’s stuck. Before, there were more people than now and there are more guys than girls… I do not have much competition.”

14. Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“Yes, I have participated and the maximum I’ve been is at quarterfinals but the experience is incredible and served me so much.”