Interview : Pilar Jauregui – Peru

Name:                     Pilar Jáuregui Cancino

City/ Country:       Lima, Peru

Birth Date:             24/06/88

Specialty:              Singles, doubles and mixed, I try to play in all categories

Category:              WH2.


  1. At what age did you start in badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started playing for fun in 2015 at the first Open that was held in Peru, but in 2016 I started to train professionally and dedicate myself to this sport”.

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and which have been your best results?

“I have already participated in 3 tournaments and now I am going through the fourth and my best result was to win a Pan American tournament”. 

  1. To how many countries has badminton taken you?

“Just two, Colombia and Brazil”.

  1. What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?

“Actually, not many anecdotes yet, but I am surprised and motivated to see other athletes playing with their special abilities”.

  1. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a badminton player?

“In the short term, to obtain the best results in the scheduled tournaments and defend the Pan American title next year. In medium term, to participate in the Pan American Games 2019. Finally, go to the Paralympics”.

6. Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as a badminton player such as study or work?

“At the moment, I only study languages ​​and train twice a day”.

7. How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“It is complicated because as I am in my chair all day, that causes me to have pain in the spine but anyway I give the best of myself”.

  1. How do you keep commitment and discipline in your life? 

” In general all sports give us the need to be responsible and commited, and thanks to this discipline I have developed myself and it helps me to be more capable in what I propose to myself”.

  1. In addition to sporting satisfactions, what other things did badminton give you?

“Meet wonderful persons”.

  1. How does it feel to be the first racket in your category in Peru?

“It feels incredible, I have a lot of responsibility to keep representing my country and prove to be the best”.

  1. Which are your favorite hobbies?

“Listen music, watch movies and going to the theater”.


12. Who was your first coach?

“Isaac Nuñez. He prepared me for the First Open of Peru 2015 (my first gold medal). I´m very grateful  to all my coaches.  Now it’s Derly Delgado”.

13.   Which club do you represent?

“I represent the Peruvian Badminton Federation”.

14.   Is Para-Badminton popular in your country?

“Every day it becomes more popular, there are new members and more diffusion”.

15. What message would you like to tell to those who follow this interview?

“That there is nothing impossible, you just have to make your decision and be  perseverant. Everything can be conquered with much effort and dedication”.