Damien Howell (BAR) – Interview

Name: Damien Ricardo Howell
City / Country: Bridgetown / Barbados
Birth Date: July 21th, 1982
Modality: Singles

At what age did you start in Badminton?
“I started playing Badminton at age 11, and school.”

In how many tournaments have you participated and which have been your best results?
“I’ve participated in over 30 tournaments and my best results were in Suriname International 2017.”

To how many countries has Badminton taken you?
“Wow! I can’t remember all but I beleive more than 20. Most memorable would be Guatemala.”

What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?
Seeing 5 people on a motobike in Dominican Republic. That was crazy to me but interesting to see.”

Which are your short and medium term objectives as a Badminton player?
“Short term? To be Barbados Senior Champion, and for medium term maybe do some coaching at schools.”

Do you perform other activities in parallel to you career as a Badminton player, such as studies or work?
“I have a job as a Legal Assitance.”

How sacrificed is it to train, study and work at the same time?
“It’s not hard because training is always ater work hours.”

In addition to sport satisfactions, what other thigs does badminton give you?
“A level of self discipline, control, inner joy and being able to work with others is a control environment.”

Which are your favorite hobbies?
“I love cooking because I love to eat. I like beach, parks, music and spending tie with my son.”

What is the hardest part of being a high level athlete?
“I think te hardest part of it is staying in good conditions to be able to compete in some tournaments.”

Is Badminton popular in your country?
No it’s not but I believe that with the right program it can become popular in Barbados.”

What would you say to people who want to practice badminton but see that it is not very popular in their country?
“I’ll tell them to find the badminton club, join and you’ll find that it brings a level of joy and inner peace that you won’t find in any other sport. Also is great for having a healthy life style and longevity.”