Uruguay Players Training in China

Thanks to a sports cooperation agreement signed by the Uruguayan sports authorities, 6 badminton players are working hard in a training camp in China, to continue improving in our sport and contribute to the growth of the Pan American badminton.

Karina Sosa, Yamila Barreto, Lara Guillen, Santiago Tucuna, Santiago Brun and Marcos Carrasco, accompanied by coach Luis Pintos, are part of the delegation of 128 people, from different sports, who are participating in this intense training that seeks an ardous preparation for future athletes, with a view to upcoming competitions such as Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Mr. Jorge Rosales, President of Uruguay Badminton Association tell us more about this amazing event for his country:


Uruguay Badminton Revival

The reinitiation of Uruguay Badminton Association activities has barely three years. Although the diffusion, development and practice of our sport that is practically unknown in the country, has not been able to consolidate according to the wishes and aspirations of its current leaders but there is no little that has been done up to the present.

Thanks to the support of Badminton Pan Am, the first two Shuttle Time courses were held in 2016, under the direction of a foreign instructor.

Then, this course was replicated on two occasions, dictated by Uruguayan professors trained in the aforementioned courses, some of which, in turn, began with the teaching of sports in some clubs and schools.

With the contribution of materials received from Badminton Pan Am last year, the affiliation of new clubs to the Association was achieved and work is being done to increase these affiliations and consolidate the badminton practice.

Special highlight deserves the support received from the Municipal Administration of the Department of Treinta y Tres that has made possible the inclusion of Badminton in the summer school camps. The Departmental Primary Education Inspectorate, the Departmental Dependency of UTU (Technological University of Uruguay) and the Municipal Authority of Montevideo for included badminton in their activities.

In the permanent search for options or opportunities that favor the development of Badminton in Uruguay, it was possible for the National Sports Secretariat to include Badminton in the sports exchange program with China.

For the Uruguay Badminton Association this annual possibility constitutes, in addition to an excellent opportunity for technical development, an excellent source of dissemination and promotion of the knowledge and practice of sport in our environment.

Also for Uruguay players, it means a prize for their outstanding and promising performance as well as an excellent opportunity for cultural and social growth that contributes to the formation of better athletes but, above all, to forming better people.

Keep going Badminton Uruguay!!