Angel Ielpo (ARG) – Interview

Name: Angel Ielpo
Country: Argentina
Category: SS6

When did you start in Para-Badminton and how do you get into this sport?
“I started playing badminton 8 months ago. I’m from Entre Ríos, Argentina, and first I was playing soccer and a teammate is practicing badminton so he asked me if I wanted to try badminton. I did not know what badminton was, so I said yes, if we get a coach in my city I will join. So he contacted me with my coach and I started with badminton. And now I have played the Pan-American, for me it has been a dream because I am only 8 months in this sport and what I have achieved is incredible for me.”

What are your short and medium term objectives as a Para-Badminton player?
“The objective is to be a little better every day. Go adapting to all the tournaments that come from now on. There is a possibility that someone from Argentina could be in the next Para-Pan American Games and it would be an honor for me to be there.”

What do you think about para-badminton development in our región?
“The level is very good. There are many players who have a lot of time practicing and I who am new felt comfortable. United States and Brazil have the best level and it is very good that we are more athletes every year.”

How is the Para-badminton development in Argentina?
“In Argentina the para-badminton is just being formed. We are making it grow and give it more diffusion. We are marking the beginning so that it is spread to other provinces and that they see it in a different way.”

What message would you like to tell to those who don’t know yet Para-Baminton?
“I would tell them to try the para-badminton. It seems very boring when you see it from outside. But when you practice it, it’s something else. You take out all the energy you have inside and show it on the courts. Is very good. I recommend everyone to join in and they will not regret it.”