“Today I can say that badminton is everything to me because it gave me a lot of experiences, it gave me a lot of knowledge.”
The experiences that Jonathan Matias, a prominent badminton player from Brazil, has had thanks to badminton have allowed him to grow as an athlete and as a person. Badminton opened doors for him to study and make his family and his country proud.
“Today I can speak a little English because of badminton. I spoke a little Spanish because of badminton. If today I study at the university it is because of badminton that opened doors for me. So everything I have achieved in my life and everything what I grew up in my life is because of badminton. Without badminton I don’t know where I would be, I think I would be a totally different Jonatan.”
Champion of the 2022 South American Games and medalist of the Pan Am Junior Games 2022, Jonathan started playing badminton in 2008, invited by Ygor Coelho and, although at first he did not like badminton very much, little by little he fell in love with our sport.

“I started badminton in 2008, invited by Ygor Coelho. His father was inaugurating a concrete court with the Decathlon Foundation. Ygor invited me to try, I didn’t like it, but I played several times and in 2009 I started playing seriously .”
Like most Brazilians, soccer is his passion and dominated Jonathan’s life. Therefore, he did not like badminton very much at the beginning, however, for different reasons, he got to know our sport and made the decision to become a professional badminton player.
“When I started it was just to be able to occupy my day because I really liked soccer. I’m a big fan of soccer and that’s what I always did but my mom forbade me to play soccer. So I had to try other sports and I found badminton. In the beginning I just wanted to be better than my friends, try to defeat them. Then I matured a little more and the idea of being a real athlete came, training professionally. Now I am focused on my goals that are still far away but I know that in a few years I’m going to get them.”
Now Jonathan dreams of reaching the Olympic Games and also he wants to win a medal in a World Championships. With intense preparation he will seek to fulfill his dreams.
“I really want to play in the Olympics, but my biggest dream, my biggest goal is to win a medal in a World Cup. I’m training a lot, double shifts a day, and I’m collecting money to be able to train in other countries next year and gain more knowledge and train against other athletes at another level, to keep improving and get to Paris 2024 that is my objetive.”

As part of his preparation, Jonathan was training in Denmark, with Ygor Coelho and other high-level players. This training time not only helped him improve in sports, but also to develop as a person in various areas of his life.
“My training in Denmark was excellent. I miss being there because I really liked training there with very good athletes. I learned a lot with the coaches and with Ygor who helped me in everything. Being there was a great achievement because I learned many things. Speaking English, cooking, I had to stop being a child and become an adult. I did very well there and I think it was the best phase of my life. I broke down personal barriers and gained independence without wanting to because I didn’t have my family there to help me. I had to learn only with the help of the internet or by asking Ygor and it was a good opportunity to grow. I don’t regret that time one bit and I hope I can return.”
Although it is true that badminton is the main thing in Jonathan’s life, he also shares his day to day with other activities, such as studies, pre-professional practices and his hobbies.
“In addition to badminton, I like to fly a kite, play billiards, I love playing soccer and now I’m doing pre-professional accounting practices in a journalism company, very famous in Brazil, ‘Olimpiada Todo O Día’. And I’m also studying at the university, I’m still in the middle of the career so there is a long way to go.”
In everything that Jonathan has lived up to here, he has perceived the support of various people who have allowed him to enjoy each stage.
“I want to thank Ygor very much because he opened the doors of his house for me so that I can train in Denmark, to Gwen who helped me a lot in that process. I also thank the Confederation that helped me to be there. I thank Perfly who always gives me the best possible materials to compete. I also want to thank my family for all the support every day, they understand that if I am away from home it is for a purpose and when I return they welcome me in the best possible way. And my friends training partners who give their best so that I can improve more and more.”