Interview : Christopher Alexander Martinez – Guatemala

Name: Christopher Alexander Martinez Salvador.
City / Country: Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Birth Date: 05/05/2000.
Specialty: Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

  1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started playing when I was 8 years old, I used to play soccer but my mom did not want me to play a sport with a lot of contact, so I tried Badminton”.

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and which have been your best results?

“I have participated in about 30 tournaments and until now I reached the finals of the South American Championships”.

  1. To how many countries has Badminton taken you?

“I have traveled around 10 countries.”

  1. What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?

“Everything was normal in my travels, nothing unusual or unexpected “.

  1. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a Badminton player?

“To classify for the Olympics that will be held next year and if it is possible, qualify to the Olympics in Tokyo”.

  1. Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete such as studies or work?

“I am in my last year of school and next year I want to study law at university “.



  1. How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“For me it’s simple because my school allows me to do things by computer and this is very easy for me”.

  1. How do you keep the commitment and discipline in your life?

“Determination, motivation and desire to move forward”.

  1. In addition to sport satisfactions, what other things does Badminton gives you?

“Meet new people and different cultures”.



  1. Which are your favorite hobbies?

“Watch movies and play soccer with my friends”.

  1. Who was your first coach?

“Geraldina Orozco”.

  1. Which club do you represent?

“I only play with the National team”.


  1. Is Badminton popular in your country?

“”It’s growing but very slowly”.

14. Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“Yes, I participated last year and got the silver medal”.