Name: Lauren Villalobos Mouriño.

City / Country: San Jose, Costa Rica

Birth Date: 20/08/2000

Specialty: Singles

  1. At what age did you start in Badminton and how did you get into this sport?

“I started playing at 8 years old, my dad used to play and he wanted the whole family do some sport, so he looked for academies and that’s how I started playing badminton.”

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and which have been your best results?

“I have participated in more than 10 tournaments and my best result was to be the Central American champion.”

  1. To how many countries has badminton taken you?

“I have traveled to more or less 8 countries.”

  1. What anecdotes come to your mind when you remember your trips?

“I’ve missed flights sometimes, sometimes I do not like food and it’s a complete dilemma.”

  1. Which are your short and medium term objectives as a badminton player?

“Play a good role in the Pan Am Games and then start to win medals”

  1. Do you perform other activities in parallel to your career as an athlete, such as study or work?

“I’m in my last year of school.”

  1. How sacrificed is it to train and study at the same time?

“It’s very difficult because I have so much to do in such a short time, next year I will not go to university to have a sabbatical year and dedicate myself to badminton.”

  1. How do you keep commitment and discipline in your life?

“Badminton gives me emotional stability. It helps me to see things in a different way and to be more self-sufficient.”

  1. Apart from sporting satisfactions, what other things did badminton give you?

“It also gave me friends, trips, to know culture and new places, and be able to know new techniques and tactics of game.”

  1. Which are your favorite hobbies?

“I like to dance hip hop.”

  1. Who was your first coach?

“Adrian Gomez.”

  1. Which club do you represent?

“Badminton Academy Costa Rica”

  1. Is badminton popular in your country?

“It is not, but it is in progress.”

14. Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championships?

“I have participated sometimes, I have done it well in some occasions but I didn´t do it so well in others.”