Interview – Michelle Li (Canada)

Name: Michelle Li Man-Shan.

City / Country: Ontario, Canada.

Birth Date: 01/11/1991

Specialty: Singles.

1.- At what age did you start in Badminton and how do you get this sport?

“I started at age 11, played with my mom for fun, then went to an academy and I continued to grow as a player, I joined the academy team and then the national team.”

  1. In how many tournaments did you participate and what were your best results?

“I think I have participated in 150 tournaments, there have been years which I participate in 20 tournaments and my best results was winning the Commonwealth Games in 2014 and go to the Olympics on Rio”

3.- How did you feel about going to the Olympics?

“Is something incredible, being able to be with the best in the world, being with a friend that I made in the past, there are always unexpected things, there are many nerves and also support between all and being able to play against opponents that for me it was an entire dream”

  1. How many countries have badminton taken?

“I would say about 30 or 35 countries, almost all of South America, all of North America, some in the Caribbean, some in Europe, Asia and Oceania.”

  1. What anecdotes come to your mind make of some of these trips?

“Honestly, I’m always focused on badminton and I don’t mind at all, but I like to see other players and compare myself to them and see how I can be better

6.-What does it feel be the first racket in America?

“It feels wonderful, being the best in my country and in a whole continent is important and I want to go ahead and be the best”

7.-How is playing badminton in Europe, how was the league?

“I spent almost a year living in Europe, I was playing a short time in Italy and the rest in Denmark, it was very strong to train there because there is a lot of competition but I love it. I was playing for the Grede Club. I travel to Europe to be able to train and concentrate to qualify the Olympic Games in Rio”

8.- What are your short and medium term objectives as a badminton player?

“I want to change badminton in Canada and if possible in America. Qualify again to the Olympics and be the best, I know it’s a lot of work but nothing is impossible”

  1. Do you do other activities in parallel, study or work?

“When I do not play badminton, I study. I study Business. An example, last year after the Olympics, stop training and I dedicate to study but I recently stop to be here.”

10.- How is it sacrificed to train and study or  work at the same time?

“It is sacrificed because you don’t have time for much”

11- What gives you this discipline to apply them in your life?

“It gives me a lot, it taught me how to organize myself, be humble, be a better person, have self-confidence and be strong”

  1. Apart from sporting satisfactions what other things did badminton give you?

“In fact, in everything, it has helped me in everything, I have a group of friends that make their normal life that always support me but they don’t know that I have done to be where I am now and  be who I am now”

13.- What are your favorite hobbies?

“Look at movies that make you think, once I was on the plane and I saw “Inception”, the movie leaves you thinking about a lot after watching the movie, take a nap and when I wake up, I thought if I was in my dream or in life real….”

14.- Who was the first coach?

“Jennifer Lee”

15.- What club do you represent?

“Lee’s Badminton Club”

16.- Is badminton popular in your country?

“Definitely growing, there are many people who are starting to play and it is nice that my sport grows”

17.-Have you ever played in the Junior Pan Am Championship?

“It was a long time ago … if I participated, the first few times I didn’t get the expected results and the next few times if I got what I wanted”.