Juliana Giraldo (COL) – Interview

Name: Juliana Giraldo
Country: Colombia
Modality: Singles and Doubles


At what age did you start in Badminton?
“I started playing badminton at nine years old. I met it in the neighborhood. Where I lived there were some coaches who studied at the university and they started with the diffusion of badminton. From there I liked it too much, I said that this was for me and I started to practice it.”

Which was your best result?
“My best result at the international level has been Silver in Mixed Doubles and fifth in Singles at South American Championships 2018.”

What is the best that badminton has given you?
“Badminton has given me many emotions, many triumphs that have cost me a lot of effort but with a lot of pride to be able to represent my country.”

Which is your biggest dream?
“My biggest dream is to compete in an Olympic Games.”

Which are your goals for this year?
“This year I want to climb more in the BWF Ranking, compete in more tournaments and make them know me more.”

When did you say: yes, I will dedicate myself to badminton?
“Since 2015, I’ve always wanted to compete and show myself, and I said: I’m going to start doing things so I can travel to more tournaments and show what I know.”

Which is the hardest thing about being a high performance athlete?
“The most difficult thing is the little economic support. It is difficult to travel many times to get points in the Ranking. In Colombia there is too much talent but support limits us a bit. But if one wants, one can achieve a lot.”

Which do you prefer?

– Olympic Games or World Championships? “World Championships”
– Winter or Summer? “Summer”
– Sweet or salt?  “Sweet”
– Badminton player? “Carolina Marin”

What message would you give to young people who are just starting to practice badminton?
“I would tell them that they have to put a lot of their part. Do not despair if you lose, because you are just beginning. Always try to have fun and not concentrate only on the results but on how happy you are to play badminton.”

Photo Credit: BPAC|SN