Kleiber Mijares (VEN) – Interview

Name: Kleiber Eduardo Mijares Palacios
Country: Venezuela
Category: SU5

When did you start in Para-Badminton and how do you get into this sport?
“I’ve been playing badminton for a year and a half. I was invited to try and I started to practice it. Before I practiced athletics but I left it because I liked badminton more.”

What are your short and medium term objectives as a Para-Badminton player?
“My goal is to represent Venezuela in an Paralympic Games.”

What do you think about para-badminton development in our región?
“There is a high level on the continent. It has been difficult for me to win this medal because in each game nothing is said, there is an opportunity to win for both opponents.”

How is the Para-badminton development in Venezuela?
“Para-Badminton in Venezuela began 3 or 4 years ago. This year we have entered a new group and we are training and developing the Para-badminton with the federation support.”

In addition to sporting satisfactions, what other things does badminton give you?
“I lost my arm in 2015. Badminton has given me security, confidence, it has taken away that fear, that feeling of feeling less than the others, has helped me to break the barriers. That’s why the Para-Badminton has to grow. All people with disabilities must have a passion and I already found mine.”

What message would you like to tell to those who don’t know yet Para-Baminton?
“I would tell them not to limit themselves but to try. I like badminton and they may like athletics, swimming or basketball. There are many sports adapted to our disability. The important thing is to find what you like.”