The Opening Ceremony of the Pan Am Male & Female Cup 2024 took place at the facilities of the Brazilian Paralympic Committe, with the present of BPAC and local authorities.
The Ceremony was led by Mr. Armando Bruni, BPAC president, along with Mr. Yohansson Do Nascimento, Vice president of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, Mr. Javier Orozco, VP of BPAC and Chair of Events, Mr. Roberto Santini, VP of BPAC and president of the Brazil Badminton Associations, Mr. German Valdez, BPAC COO, Mr. Paulo Losinskas, legal director of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, and Sania Lima, Brazilian athlete.
“We thank the Brazilian Paralympic Committee for its support of our sport with the facilities for this competition, and the Brazil Badminton Association for accepting the challenge of holding this competition. We wish the best of success to all the players in competition”, referred Mr. Bruni who also give a recognition to Mr. Do Nascimento.
Photo Credit: Marcello Zambrana