BWF launched the Shuttle Time Photography Grant 2019 for all National Associations that develop the Shuttle Time programme.
“The BWF is pleased to offer this grant, which are intended to support the promotion of Shuttle Time globally. Selected countries will receive a grant up to $250 USD for hiring a photographer.” says at BWF ad.
Through our Facebook Page and website, we share all Shuttle Time activities in our region, so apply now!
Application Form (download here)
Please read and fully complete the form below. Then, return the form to not later by 28 June 2019. Failure to respond by the specified deadline will automatically exclude you from involvement in the Grant.
Please note that the BWF will select a number of Member Associations to receive photography grants in partnership with its Continental Confederations. Completion of this form does not guarantee eligibility for the Grant.
For more information about the programme please visit Shuttle Time Website.