Pan Am players from Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, and United States took the medals of the VI El Salvador International 2024, Pan Am Circuit event held in San Salvador from November 26 to 30.
Check here full results.
Brazilian dominated in 4 events. Olympian Juliana Viana Vieira won the gold in Women’s Singles after defeating players from Italy, Spain, Colombia, and Ukraine. Ines Castillo (PER) and Juliana Giraldo (COL) got the bronze medals.

Davi Silva won two gold medals. In Men’s Doubles, Davi and Fabricio Farias began the competition as seeded 1 pair and defeated duos from Luxembourg, Guatemala, and Brazil. Joao Mendonca and Kauan Sttocco reached the silver medals while Christopher Martinez/Jonathan Solis (GUA) and Jose Granados/Antonio Ortiz (GUA) won the bronze medals of the event.

In Mixed Doubles, Davi along with Sania Lima, defeated duos from Ukraine, El Salvador and Brazil to won the gold medal. Fabricio Farias/Jaqueline Lima won the silver medal, and the bronze medals were for Matheus Voigt and Tamires Santos.

Samia Lima and Jaqueline Lima won the Women’s Doubles gold, after starting as seeded 1 pair and defeated duos from Colombia, United States and Guatemala. Diana Corleto/NIkte Sotomayor (GUA) got the silver while Suneri Chinthalapati/Anvita Jamsandekar (USA) reached the bronzes.

In Men’s Singles, Mark Shelley Alcala (USA) took the podium top after defeating players from Costa Rica, United States, Spain, Peru, and salvadorian Uriel Canjura in the final. Uriel got the silver while Adriano Viale (PER) and Jonathan Matias (BRA) reached the bronze medals.

The Pan Am Circuit 2024 continues with the YONEX Canadian International Challenge 2024 during december.
Photo credit: Luis Villalobos | Fesalbad